By: Dr. Steven Shepard: One of the phrases I hear repeated over and over until it becomes a meaningless buzz is, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ I understand the sentiment that was behind this phrase when it was first uttered: it came from the telephone industry, and it was an admonition not to make things worse by fiddling with something that’s working well enough. But here’s the danger in accepting that statement at face value: Things often are broken, and we can’t see it. We’ve developed blind spots to them and have accepted them as a good-enough status quo. And in today’s world, that doesn’t serve us. ‘Good enough’ is rarely good enough.
This observation is as true for a sales organization as it is for a leadership team or marketing, or a design group made up of engineers. It’s a matter of adaptation: if we choose to ignore the fact that we’re worshipping at the feet of the status quo, than we’re effectively allowing complacency to guide our road to the future, a practice that rarely ends well.
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SOURCE GreatAmerica
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