By: Jennie Fisher, GreatAmerica: Innovation takes effort, investment, and a willingness to take some risk. It may seem strategic during tough economic times to hunker down and play it safe rather than seek opportunities and challenge the status quo. This is the best time, however, for creativity and solution development as you address current and emerging customer pain points. To help our customers succeed, we need to get outside our comfort zone and look for new solutions.
A great way to evaluate potential opportunities and generate ideas that create value for your customers is collaborating with other bright business minds. Involvement with The Consortium and attending the Executive Connection Summit (ECS) in January puts you in the room with like-minded professionals. GreatAmerica is proud to be a founding member of The Consortium and title sponsor of ECS. We’ve invited members of The Consortium to share their insights with us regarding what solution providers might not be thinking about to drive success in 2022 and beyond. This is just a sample of perspectives shared by a few members. As we receive more responses, we will be sure to post a Part II of this blog.
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